Projects per year
Search results
ARC Training Centre for Radiation Innovation (RadInnovate)
Bezak, E., Dasgupta, M., Afshar Vahid, S., Fusil, E., Garrett, R. F., Harvey, K., Hooker, A., Hull, A., Kempson, I., Lane, G., Liang, D., Marinaro, D., McKinnon, M., Mitchell, A., Olver, I., Sardeshmukh, S., Simpson, E., Spooner, N., Taylor, V., Tims, S. & Watson, D.
1/01/25 → 31/12/29
Project: Research
iLAuNCH-Innovative Vectored Thrust Control System for Enhanced Manoeuvrability of Small Satellites
Davoodianidalik, M. & Moore, A.
1/06/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
DSP Multi-Party Collaborative Project Agreement- Directional Neutron Detection using a Micropatterned Gas Time Projection Chamber
Bignell, L., Hill, G., Dastgiri, F., Lane, G., Leaver, K. T., McKie, L. & McNamara, P.
12/02/24 → 11/02/26
Project: Research
Isomer-power research via Coulomb excitation
Mitchell, A. & Lane, G.
30/09/23 → 29/03/27
Project: Research
Space for Australia on the periodic table: creating new superheavy elements
1/07/23 → 29/06/26
Project: Research
In one zeptosecond: quantifying energy dissipation in heavy element fusion
20/06/23 → 18/06/26
Project: Research
NCRIS 2023 Heavy Ion Accelerators (HIA) Project - Phase II
Dasgupta, M. & McGoram, T.
8/06/23 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
Nuclear vibrations under scrutiny in near-spherical and deformed nuclei
Stuchbery, A., Allmond, J. M., Fahlander, C., Garrett, P., Lane, G. & Mitchell, A.
5/07/21 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Understanding molecular negative ion production for use in pathology
Charles, C. & Smith, N. S.
8/04/21 → 6/04/25
Project: Research
ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics
Barberio, E., Stuchbery, A., Bell, N. F., Bertone, G., Boehm, C., Calaprice, F. P., Diemoz, M., Dolan, M., Duffy, A., Garrett, R. F., Goryachev, M., Hill, G., Hopkins, P. F., Hotchkis, M. A., Ianni, A., Jackson, P., Jakobs, K., Lane, G., Marinaro, D., Mould, J., Prokopovich, D. A., Rybka, G., Simenel, C., Slatyer, T., Spooner, N., Taylor, G. N., Thomas, A., Tims, S., Tobar, M., Urquijo, P., Volkas, R. R., White, M., Wilczek, F. & Williams, A. G.
14/08/20 → 14/08/27
Project: Research
NCRIS 2013 Heavy Ion Accelerators (HIA) Project - Phase I (and II)
Dasgupta, M., Elliman, R., Hinde, D. & McGoram, T.
1/07/13 → 31/12/28
Project: Research