Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 70 results
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Measuring the impact of domestic violence on womens employment using the Australian Longitudinal Survey
15/01/24 → 10/05/24
Project: Research
PPL Evaluation Stage 1
Biddle, N., Breunig, R., Gray, E., Gray, M., Marasinghe, D. & Sobeck, K.
22/12/23 → 19/04/24
Project: Research
Early Childhood Place Based Programs analysis
Edwards, B., Esler, M. & Taylor, M.
25/06/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Cost of road crashes in Australia
Lancsar, E., Bourke, S., Breunig, R., Dobes, L., Glass, K., Gordon, C., Gruen, R., Munira, L. & Steinhauser, R.
1/06/21 → 12/08/22
Project: Research
Research services to investigate barriers to and boosters of the total fertility rate
Gray, E., Biddle, N., Breunig, R., Evans, A., Gray, M., Lazzari, E., Reimondos, A., Steinhauser, R. & Zhang, J.
17/05/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Corporate Tax Reform Options
Breunig, R., Kayis-Kumar, A. & Sinning, M.
26/10/20 → 23/04/21
Project: Research
Exits from Income Support - Order Under (Research Evaluation and Data) READ Panel
28/04/20 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Independent Evaluation of the Integrated Carer Support Service (baseline evaluation)
Edwards, B., Biddle, N., Breunig, R., Gray, M., Jahromi, M. & Nevile, A.
13/11/19 → 21/08/20
Project: Research
Using Behavioural Insights to Boost Tax Compliance in PNG
Hoy, C., Howes, S. & Sinning, M.
4/02/19 → 30/04/20
Project: Research
ACT Gambling Survey 2019
Paterson, M., Biddle, N., Gray, M., Leslie, P. & Taylor, M.
10/12/18 → 20/09/19
Project: Research
Environmental Review of the Tax System: Australian Conservation Foundation
Stewart, M.
1/12/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
Estimation of elasticities for revenue bases
Sinning, M., Sobeck, K. & Steinhauser, R.
21/05/18 → 7/01/19
Project: Research
HFE Tax Elasticities Scoping Study
Stewart, M., Breunig, R., Hasan, S. & Sinning, M.
22/06/17 → 22/02/18
Project: Research
ABSTUDY and Independent Schools
Schwab, J., Biddle, N. & Taylor, M.
15/04/17 → 31/08/17
Project: Research
Applying Behavioural Insights to the Tax System in Australia
Breunig, R., Biddle, N., Griffin, C., Issar, G., Sinning, M. & Stewart, M.
15/12/16 → 14/12/19
Project: Research
New Approaches to Tax and Welfare in Australia and Korea
Stewart, M., Chapman, B., Hewson, J., Sinning, M. & Whiteford, P.
8/07/16 → 21/12/18
Project: Research
Small firms' financial conditions, employment and wages: Firm-level evidence
Breunig, R. & Magnani, E.
30/06/16 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Analysis of fiscal space for social protection
Whiteford, P. & Stewart, M.
19/08/15 → 30/10/15
Project: Research
Economic analysis of immigrants impacts on the labour market outcomes of incumbents in Australia
Breunig, R. & To, H.
10/08/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Economic Expertise and Advice to aid in the development and review of research using randomized control trials
26/11/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Gender Equality in Australia's Tax and Transfer System
Stewart, M.
1/09/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Higher Education
Chapman, B., Higgins, T., Lounkaew, K., Sinning, M. & Withers, G.
15/02/12 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
Innovative Financing Mechanisms for International Migration
Bauer, T., Sinning, M. & Vorell, M.
1/01/12 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Advancing Child and Family Policy Through Research: 'A View from the South' Conference Canberra
Gregory, B. & Sinning, M.
30/06/10 → 31/08/13
Project: Research
Work order 4500010302-The Growth of literacy skills over the working life-pattern and determinants
Ryan, C. & Sinning, M.
13/05/10 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
The role of science in the policy process: responding to drought in Australia and the USA
BOTTERILL, L., Hayes, M. & Wilhite, D. A.
1/04/10 → 2/02/11
Project: Research
Taxation, family policy and pension reform in an uncertain economy
Apps, P., Booth, A., Breunig, R., Rees, R. & van Soest, A.
1/01/10 → 6/05/15
Project: Research
Memorandum of Understanding - Support for NIRRA two Honour Students
5/06/09 → 5/06/14
Project: Research
Australia and the European Union: A study of a changing trade and business relationship
Lo, J., BOTTERILL, L., Capling, A., Findlay, C., Hussey, K., Kenyon, D., McNaughton, A., Rammal, H., Ravenhill, F. J., Salata, G. & van der Eng, P.
15/05/09 → 30/06/15
Project: Research
Effects of residential Segregation on Labour Market outcomes of Community
1/01/09 → 9/08/10
Project: Research
Rural-Urban Migration in China and Indonesia: Patterns, Consequences and Policy Intervention
Meng, X., Frijters, P., Gong, X., Howes, S., Kong, T., Manning, C. & Resosudarmo, B.
3/11/06 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
The Consistency of Price Regulation of Infrastructure Businesses across Australian Jurisdictions
Breunig, R. & Menezes, F.
15/06/06 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
Danida funded legal reform project supremes people proccuracy adverserial seminar
Rich, R.
9/05/05 → 10/06/05
Project: Research
Visit of the Vietnamese Supreme People's Procuracy to Australia and New Zealand
Rich, R.
7/12/04 → 21/12/04
Project: Research
The delivery of training for trainers to train MP's and supporting staff of MP's
Rich, R.
1/08/04 → 30/08/04
Project: Research