Projects per year
- 1,100 - 1,140 out of 1,140 results
Search results
Targeted approaches to improve cancer services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
Garvey, G., Whop, L., Baxi, S., Girgis, A., Griffiths, K., Howard, K. & Olver, I.
1/01/19 → 28/02/25
Project: Research
Knowledge Sector Initiative - Phase 2
Taylor, V., Gammon, L. & Tapsell, R.
9/07/18 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
Challenging the neoliberal critique of public debt and deficit-spending
4/06/18 → 4/06/25
Project: Research
ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology
Buchler, B., Simmons, M. Y., Benjamin, S., Blais, A., Bremner, M., Dzurak, A. S., Eisert, J., Ekert, A., Eriksson, M., Furusawa, A., Gambetta, J., Harrow, A., Hollenberg, L., Huntington, E., James, M., Jamieson, D. N., Jozsa, R., Klimeck, G., Laing, A., Lam, P., Leuchs, G., Lobino, M., Longdell, J. J., Lu, Y., Lutkenhaus, N., Menicucci, N. C., Morello, A., Nam, S. W., Nemoto, K., Peruzzo, A., Pfister, N., Pryde, G., Radu, I., Ralph, T. C., Randall, J., Reilly, D., Reisert, M., Rieffel, E., Rogge, S., Schmidt-Kaler, F., Sellars, M., Sharma, V., Silberhorn, C., Singer, K., Tittel, W., Treps, N., Waks, E., Wiseman, H. M. & Yonezawa, H.
1/06/18 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
Welfare Entrepreneurs and Paradoxes of Social Control in Rural China
15/04/18 → 16/04/25
Project: Research
Inequality of health, wealth and education in China
Meng, X., Brandt, L., Li, H. & Zhao, G.
13/04/18 → 23/04/25
Project: Research
Rediscovering the Deep Human Past: Global Networks, Future Opportunities
McGrath, A., Brougham, N., Jones, M., Newham, J., Rademaker, L., Rickwood, J. & Silverstein, B.
26/02/18 → 24/02/25
Project: Research
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
McKenzie, K., White, A. G., Aspelmeyer, M., Auffeves, A., Bartlett, S., Biercuk, M., Bowen, W., Brennen, G., Davis, M. J., Doherty, A., Fedorov, A., Fedrizzi, A., Flammia, S., Jelezko, F., McFerran, J., Milburn, G. J., Mueller, H., Pernice, W., Reilly, D., Romero-Isart, O., Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H., Schmiedmayer, J., Senellart, P., Shaddock, D., Stace, T. M., Starr, R., Tobar, M., Twamley, J., Viola, L., Volz, T., Wallraff, A., Walmsley, I., Wolf, P., Wouters, M. J. & Zoller, P.
1/01/18 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Regularisation methods of inverse problems: theory and computation
5/07/17 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Subcontract to NCRIS Funding Agreement - Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (APPF)
Atkin, O., Berger, B., Brown, T., Poire, R. & Robinson, S.
1/07/17 → 31/12/28
Project: Research
Establishment of the Canberra Clinical Genomic Service and Research Service Agreement July 2020 - June 2025
Bertram, E. & Cook, M.
1/03/17 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Saving Our Swift Parrots and Threatened Woodland Species
Heinsohn, R. & Saunders, D.
6/07/16 → 31/07/26
Project: Research
Geometric analysis of eigenvalues and heat flows
Andrews, B., Xiong, C. & Zhu, J.
30/06/16 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Earth Imaging AuSIS
Sambridge, M., Arcidiaco, A., Byrne, J., McQueen, H., Mousavi, S. & Salmon, M.
1/07/15 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Imaging Capital and Operations, ANU
Miller, M., Eakin, C., Pickle, R. & Salmon, M.
1/07/15 → 30/06/28
Project: Research
The Australian Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia Program (ADBA) - including CRISPR and Therapeutic program
1/04/15 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
National Agricultural and Environment Sciences Precinct
Keating, B., Stone, E., Carver, J., Easton, C., Kirk, K. & Moritz, C.
2/03/15 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
NCRIS 2013 - National Computational Infrastructure Project
Smith, S.
2/08/13 → 30/06/28
Project: Research
NCRIS 2013 Heavy Ion Accelerators (HIA) Project - Phase I (and II)
Dasgupta, M., Elliman, R., Hinde, D. & McGoram, T.
1/07/13 → 31/12/28
Project: Research
Grant Arrangement for Establishment of The Tax and Transfer Policy Institute (TTPI)
Breunig, R. & Kompas, T.
25/06/13 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
NCI Collaboration Agreement for the continuation and enhancement of the National Computational Infrastructure
Smith, S.
1/01/12 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
DIISR NCRIS (Monash)-Australian National Data Service
Burton, A., Burton, A. & Henty, M.
1/01/09 → 30/06/28
Project: Research
Post-Certification Activities of PS02 and IS07, Warramunga, Australia
1/09/02 → 31/12/26
Project: Research