Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research Interests

My main interests are in plant-animal interactions. I investigate how the physiology of herbivores and the chemistry of plants affect factors such as herbivore feeding behaviour, animal ecology, habitat quality, and their potential responses to climate change.

Research student supervision

  • Registered to supervise


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  • Australian megafires alter predicted distribution of the southern greater glider (Petauroides volans)

    Ridley, J. C. H., Marsh, K., Lavery, T., Blanchard, W., Lindenmayer, D. & Evans, M. J., 16 Aug 2024, In: Austral Ecology. 49, 8, 19 p., e13582.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Biodiversity impacts of the 2019–2020 Australian megafires

    Driscoll, D. A., Macdonald, K. J., Gibson, R. K., Doherty, T. S., Nimmo, D. G., Nolan, R. H., Ritchie, E. G., Williamson, G. J., Heard, G. W., Tasker, E. M., Bilney, R., Porch, N., Collett, R. A., Crates, R. A., Hewitt, A. C., Pendall, E., Boer, M. M., Gates, J., Boulton, R. L., Mclean, C. M., & 106 othersGroffen, H., Maisey, A. C., Beranek, C. T., Ryan, S. A., Callen, A., Hamer, A. J., Stauber, A., Daly, G. J., Gould, J., Klop-Toker, K. L., Mahony, M. J., Kelly, O. W., Wallace, S. L., Stock, S. E., Weston, C. J., Volkova, L., Black, D., Gibb, H., Grubb, J. J., McGeoch, M. A., Murphy, N. P., Lee, J. S., Dickman, C. R., Neldner, V. J., Ngugi, M. R., Miritis, V., Köhler, F., Perri, M., Denham, A. J., Mackenzie, B. D. E., Reid, C. A. M., Rayment, J. T., Arriaga-Jiménez, A., Hewins, M. W., Hicks, A., Melbourne, B. A., Davies, K. F., Bitters, M. E., Linley, G. D., Greenville, A. C., Webb, J. K., Roberts, B., Letnic, M., Price, O. F., Walker, Z. C., Murray, B. R., Verhoeven, E. M., Thomsen, A. M., Keith, D., Lemmon, J. S., Ooi, M. K. J., Allen, V. L., Decker, O. T., Green, P. T., Moussalli, A., Foon, J. K., Bryant, D. B., Walker, K. L., Bruce, M. J., Madani, G., Tscharke, J. L., Wagner, B., Nitschke, C. R., Gosper, C. R., Yates, C. J., Dillon, R., Barrett, S., Spencer, E. E., Wardle, G. M., Newsome, T. M., Pulsford, S. A., Singh, A., Roff, A., Marsh, K. J., Mcdonald, K., Howell, L. G., Lane, M. R., Cristescu, R. H., Witt, R. R., Cook, E. J., Grant, F., Law, B. S., Seddon, J., Berris, K. K., Shofner, R. M., Barth, M., Welz, T., Foster, A., Hancock, D., Beitzel, M., Tan, L. X. L., Waddell, N. A., Fallow, P. M., Schweickle, L., Le Breton, T. D., Dunne, C., Green, M., Gilpin, A. M., Cook, J. M., Power, S. A., Hogendoorn, K., Brawata, R., Jolly, C. J., Tozer, M., Reiter, N. & Phillips, R. D., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Nature. 635, p. 898-905

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • Relationships between abiotic factors, foliage chemistry and herbivory in a tropical montane ecosystem

    de la Fuente, A., Youngentob, K. N., Marsh, K. J., Krockenberger, A. K., Williams, S. E. & Cernusak, L. A., 25 Oct 2024, In: Oecologia. 206, 3-4, p. 293-304 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • The nutritional quality of post-fire eucalypt regrowth and its consumption by koalas in the New South Wales Southern Tablelands

    Lane, M. R., Youngentob, K. N., Clark, R. G. & Marsh, K. J., 4 Mar 2024, In: Australian Journal of Zoology. 71, 3, p. 1-10 10 p., ZO23024.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Citations (Scopus)
  • Health Assessments of Koalas after Wildfire: A Temporal Comparison of Rehabilitated and Non-Rescued Resident Individuals

    Lane, M. R., Lowe, A., Vukcevic, J., Clark, R. G., Madani, G., Higgins, D. P., Silver, L., Belov, K., Hogg, C. J. & Marsh, K. J., Sept 2023, In: Animals. 13, 18, 2863.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Citations (Scopus)