Personal profile


Mark Strange is a Sinologist with interests in the intellectual history of pre-modern China, especially between the third and eleventh centuries CE. His particular focus is the historiography, political thought, and philosophy of Northern Song (960-1127). He has taught Chinese history and Literary Chinese language at the Universities of Warwick, Oxford, and Cambridge. He joined the Australian National University in 2012.


B.A. Hons (Durham); M.St., D.Phil. (Oxon)

Research interests

Pre-modern Chinese intellectual history (esp. Song political thought and philosophy)

Chinese traditional historiography (esp. Zi zhi tong jian 資治通鑑 and Shi tong 史通)

Pre-modern Chinese political history

Textual scholarship


I am currently working on the current projects:

  • History and empire in eleventh-century China: a reading of Sima Guang's Zi zhi tong jian [a monograph study of the historiography and political thought of Zi zhi tong jian]
  • A Comprehensive Mirror to Aid Orderly Rule (Zi zhi tong jian): a translation of juan 1-8, with historical and critical commentary
  • The political thought of Zi zhi tong jian: a translation and study of Sima Guang’s comments as historian
  • 'Zi zhi tong jian and the ritual crisis of 1061-1062' [English-language article]
  • ‘Jie du Song Shen zong “Zi zhi tong jian xu”’ [Chinese-language article: ‘A Reading of Song Shen zong’s ‘Preface to Zi zhi tong jian’]
  • 'The circulation of historical knowledge and writing in China and beyond: the case of Zi zhi tong jian' [a series of articles on the reception history of Zi zhi tong jian in China, Japan, and Korea]
  • with Esther S. Klein: edited volume on Liu Zhiji and medieval historiography

Research student supervision

  • Registered to supervise


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