Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile


Philip Taylor has lived and worked in Vietnam and Cambodia for ten years and is fluent in Vietnamese, Khmer and French. He has held several consultancy, research and teaching positions in Australia. He is the author and editor of several books and many refereed articles and chapters on contemporary Vietnamese society. He teaches and supervises postgraduate students and is currently researching the Third Indochina War in the Mekong delta.

Career highlights

Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal of Anthropology (2011-2016); Editor, ANU Press Vietnam Series (2015-2018); HDR Co-ordinator CHL (2015-2016); EuroSEAS-Nikkei Asian Review Social Science Book Prize 2015; ARC QEII Fellow 2006-2010; Convener ANU Vietnam Updates (2003-2015); Postgraduate Convener, Anthropology Program UWA; Consultant Anthropologist on Vietnam Program Effectiveness Review (AusAID), Mekong Delta Poverty Analysis (AusAID) and Vietnam Social Sciences Translation Project (Ford Foundation); Convener: Vietnam Studies Summer Schools, Asia-Pacific Week, 2004-2008; Former President, Vietnam Studies Association of Australia; Editorial board and advisory positions for Journal of Vietnamese Studies, Ethnos, Asian Studies ReviewSoutheast Asian Studies Publications Series, Cambridge History of the Vietnam War (3 Vol); Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia; Recipient ANU ‘top supervisor’ award: 2010 and 2011. As Chair or Primary Supervisor, has supervised to completion 31 PhD theses (2004-2018).


PhD (ANU), BA Hons (Sydney), FASSA.

Research interests

The anthropology of contemporary Vietnam, the Mekong sub-region, Southeast Asia and East Asia; development; urbanisation; modernity; religion; cosmology; ethnicity; gender; music; environment; land conflicts; warfare; indigenous studies; contemporary ethnographic practice.

External Scholarly Memberships and Affiliations

Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences

2018 → …


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