Personal profile
Xiaoyu is a Lecturer of Software Engineering at Australian National University. Prior to that, she obtained her PhD degree at Monash University under the supervision of Li. Li and John Grundy. Her research field interests mainly lie in the field of Mobile Software Engineering (i.e., Mobile Security and quality assurance) and Intelligent Software Engineering (SE4AI, AI4SE). In particular, her research focuses on applying static code analysis, dynamic program testing, and natural language processing techniques to strengthen the security and reliability of software systems. Specifically, her current research projects include developing tools for Android defects detection, e.g., compatibility issues, and privacy leaks. Xiaoyu's research has been published in top-tier conferences and journals including ICSE, ASE, TOSEM, ISSRE, MSR, and IST. She has also established extensive collaboration with the industry, including Bytedance and Alibaba.
Education/Academic qualification
software engineering, PhD, Monash University
Award Date: 31 May 2023
computer sciense, Bachelor, Beijing Normal University
Award Date: 1 Jul 2016
Research student supervision
- Registered to supervise
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