Research output per year
Research output per year
ARC Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellow; Leader, Functional Materials Research Group, Research School of Chemistry
Research activity per year
Yun Liu received her PhD degree from the Xian Jiaotong University in 1997. She has since held the AIST fellow and STA Fellow positions at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Kyushu, Japan (1998-2001) before the commencement of her Postdoctoral Fellow position at the Australian National University in 2001. She is currently a tenured academic staff as a chair Professor, and the Head of the Functional Materials Research Group at the Australian National University.
She was awarded fellowships of the AIST (1998-1999) and the STA(1999-2001, now renamed as the Fellow of JSPS) in Japan, the Australian Research Council (ARC) Queen Elisabeth II (2006-2010), Future Fellow (2011-2016) and Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowin (2021-) Australia. She is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics (FAIP). She is a national board member and a Certified Materials Professional (CMatP) of the Materials of Australia (MA). She is also a member of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (MSCANZ) as well as the Society of Australian Ceramics. She is the president of the ANBUG. She also chair the Materials Chemsitry Division of the RACI.
Undergraduate Teaching:
1, CHEM2213 - Materials Chemsitry
2, CHEM3202 - Advanced Physical & Materials Chemsitry
3, CHEM4005 - Chemsitry IV Honours:Microscopy & Materials Characterisation
4, CHEM 3060 - Research Project in Chemsitry
5, ENGN4200- Individual Project
Professor Yun Liu’s research is in the field of materials chemistry, focusing on the design and develop novel functional materials, including environmental and energy materials, for uses in electronic and electrical technology, quantum and high-speed conmmunication technology, (bio) sensing technology, catalytic technology for green environment, and energy generation/storage/conversion.
Her strengths lie in
Fundamental research:
Applied research:
Publication Links:
Google Scholar:
Group News/Research Highlights
2022.07: Congratulation to Dr Zhen Liu for receiving 2021 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.
2022.03: Link here to see first structured 3D diffuse diffraction of a ferroelectric.
2021.12: Congratulation to Zhen Liu for receiving his PhD degree and take a postdoc position in SIC, CAS, China.
2021.07: Congratulation to Professor Yun Liu for receiving 2021 ARC Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellow.
2021.04: Congratulation to Jianmei Liu for receiving her PhD degree and take a researcher position in industry.
2021. 01: Congratulation to Xiaozhou Wang for receiving his PhD degree and take a postdoc position.
2020.12: Congratulation to Dr Teng Lu for him to be awarded the Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA) Young Research Fellowship (YRF) in 2021. This YRF program is to support highly talented young scientists with leadership potential in the Asia-Oceania region, helping them to develop their career and expertise in neutron science and technology.
2020.11: Congratulation to Miss Desy Prihardini for receiving the first GPG Australia Scholarship to study hydrogen stroage using liquid organic carriers. The story is here:
2019.12: Congratulation to Mac Mai for receiving his PhD degree and move to the industry.
2019.08: Congratulation to Bethany McBride for receiving her PhD degree. She will work in the Australian gvoernment organisaiton.
2019.04: Congratulation to Teng Lu for receiving 2019 RSC director’s PhD Thesis Award.
2019.03: Congratulation to Michael Brennan (Liu’s group) for receiving 2019 AINSE Top-up Honours Scholarship (AINSE: The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering) to support his work at the ANSTO (Australian Neutron Science and Technology Organisation).
2018.07: Congratulation to Teng Lu for receiving his PhD degree. Teng will continualy work at the ANU as a postdoc.
2018.01:Congratulation to Qingbo Sun for receiving 2017 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.
2018.01: Congratulation to Dr Dehong Yu (ANSTO, our close collabrator), Teng Lu (our group) and Dr Norman Booth (ANSTO) for their success on commissioning in situ light irradiation experiments on PELICAN—cold-neutron time-of-flight spectrometer at the ANSTO. it will signficantly estend Pelican's capabilities into the field of light induced polymerisation, catalyst, or even magnetism.
2017.12: Congratulation to Qingbo Sun for receiving his PhD degree. Qingbo will contnuely work at the ANU as a postdoc.
2017.09: Congratulation to Wen Dong for receiving his PhD degree. Wen will head to UK as a postdoc at the University of Warwick.
2017. 09: Congratualtion to Bethany McBride to be a runner, the first time ever from the RSC, in the ANU 3 Minute-Thesis Competition Final 2017. See the report on the website:
2017.01: Congratulation to Qingbo Sun and David Cortie for their papers published in recent Advanced Materials.
2016.12: Congratulation to Bethany McBride to be a Winner of popular choice vote for best presentation in one symposium of the RSC Celebration of HDR Chemistry.
2016.12: Congratulation to Bethany McBride to win 2016 Director’s PhD student award.
2016.12: Congratulation to Bethany McBride as 1 of 2 people selected from 32 Australian applicants to attend the 37th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering 2017.
2016.09: Congratulation to Prof Yun Liu to be awarded a big renewable energy research program as one of the ANU team members.
2016.02: Congratulation to Jian Wang on receiving his PhD degree. Jian is currently working at US-based FEI Company in Canberra as an senior engineer.
2016.01: Congratulation for Dr Wanbiao Hu on receiving the fellowship from the Thousand Talents Plan program (for Young Professionals), China, 2016. He is a full professor at Yunnan University, China
2016.01: ANU successfully hosted the Australia-China Joint Symposium on Colossal Permittvity Materials and Applications in Energy Storage.
2015. 09: Congratulation to Prof Ray Withers for his paper published in recent Nature Materials.
2015.06: Two Postdocs Positions Open now (close date: 19th July, 2015)
The Australian National University currently opens two postdoc positions (in my group) for the applications. One is a position for the people have a strong theoretical simulation and/or neutron scattering experience on functional materials, especially oxides. (
Another is a position supported by the industry, which requires the potential candidate has strong background in dielectric materials, LTCCs and MLCCs. (
2015.03: Fenghua invests to the ANU for hte development of single layered ceramic capacitors
2014.12: Congratulation to Bethany McBride on receiving a University Medal in Chemistry for 2014.
2014.10: ANU successfully hosted the RACI/MA Materials Chemistry Symposium at ANU Kioloa Campus.
2014. 05: Congratulation to Qian (Cheney) Li for receiving 2013 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.
2014.03: Congratulation to Bethany McBride for receiving the AINSE Honours Scholarship to support her research activity at the ANSTO in 2014.
2013. 12: Congratulation to Qian (Cheney) Li for receiving his PhD degree. Cheney has already got an offer from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory ( US) and he will work at the ORNL as a postdoctoral Research Fellow.
2013.08: publication in " Nature Materials”, entitled "Electron-pinned defect-dipoles for high-performance colossal permittivity materials". info: Nature Materials:; New material holds big energy hope
Current Group Memebers:
Dr Zejun Zhang
Dr Cheng Yang
Dr Teng Lu (Postdoc 2018-2021, Research Fellow, 2022-)
Dr Hua Chen
Mr Adnan Ahmad (PhD 2023-)
Miss Hao Le Thi (PhD, 2023-)
Mr Wenzhong Ji (PhD, 2022-)
Mr Xiangtao Liu (Master, 2022-)
Mr Jianchu Liu (Master, 2021-)
Mr Preetham Permude (PhD, 2021-)
Mr Chengzhen Yin (PhD, 2020-)
Mr Farzin Nekouei (PhD, 2019-)
Miss Tamsyn Lovass (Honours Student, 2023-)
Miss Prisma Ardaneswari Khairina (Visiting scholar, 2023, Future Research Talent (FRT) scholars from Indonesia)
Mr Saket Vardhan (Visiting scholar, 2023, Future Research Talent (FRT) scholars from India)
Miss Nishanthini Sampath (Visiting scholar, 2023, Future Research Talent (FRT) scholars from India)
Miss Sonja Frost (Visiting Scholar, 2022-) from the ADFA, UNSW Canberra
Dr Krishna Ghose (Visitor, 2021-) from the ADFA, UNSW Canberra
Emerius Professor Ray Withers
Previous Group Members:
Dr Lasse Noren (Research Officer -2016)
Mr Paris Stefanopoulos (Research Assitant, 2019-2020)
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr Chungguang Tang (ANU GC research Fellow, 2019-2022)
Dr Qingbo Sun (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2017-2021)
Dr Narendirakumar (Naren) Narayanan (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2017-2021)
Dr Dehong Chen (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2016-2018), currently RMIT.
Dr David Cortie (ANU/ANSTO Joint Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2016-2017), currently Research Fellow at the University of of wollongong.
Dr. Wanbiao Hu (Postdoctoral ResearchFellow, 2011-2016), Currently Professsor at the Yunnan University, China ( the acceptor of 1000Plan Professorship for Young Talents)
Dr Adam Berlie (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2014-2015), ISIS-RIKEN Instrument Scientist, UK
Dr. Chunming Wang (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2011-2013). Currently Assoicate Professor in Shangdong University.
Dr. Yuanlie Yu (Visiting Fellow from CAM, ANU, 2010-2013).
Dr Yiping Guo ( Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2009-Sept 2010). He is currently holding a Professor position in Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Dr. Yinghong Xiao (Endeavour Cheung Kong Research Fellow, 2009). She is currently professor at the Nanjing Normal University.
Dr. Jinbao Xu (Endeavour Research Fellow and ANU postdoctoal research Fellow, 2008-2009). He is a Senior Research Fellow in Xinjiang Institute of Physics, CAS (Awarded “100 Talents program” in China)
Visiting Fellows
A/professor Lingling Wei (Visiting Fellow, 2017-2018)
Mr. Ye Tian (Visiting Scholar, 2016-2017)
A/Prof Zhuxi Li (Visiting fellow, 2016-2017), A/Professof in Norhtwest UNiversity, China (2016-2017).
Prof Zhifu Liu, Shanghia Insitute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, 2016.
Mr. Qadeer Awan (Visiting Scholar, 2014-2015), Pakstain
Prof Huarong Zeng, Shanghia Insitute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, 2014.
Prof. Changming Li, (Craig Lecturer), 2011. China
A/Prof. Kai Chen (Dec.2011-Dec 2012).
Prof. Hui Yang (2009-2010). CHina
Graduated Students
Miss Tamsyn Lovass (undergraduate student, 2021-2022)
Dr Lilit Jacob (Visiting Scholar, 2017-2022) from the ADFA, UNSW Canberra, joint supervised.
Miss Desy Prihardini (Master student ,2020-2021)
Mr Qimeng CHen (Master student in Energy, 2020-2021)
Mr Mradul Dhakar (Master student in enerygy, joint supervisor, 2020-2021)
Dr. Zhen Liu (PhD Student, 2017-2021)
Dr. Jianmei Li (PhD Student, 2017-2021)
Dr. Xiaozhou Wang (PhD Student, 2016-2021)
Dr Haoxin (Mac) Mai (PhD Student, 2016-2019)
Dr Bethany McBride (PhD Student, 2015-2019), Department of Defence, Australia
Dr Longhai Yang (Visiting Scholar, 2017-2018)
Mr.Christopher Zhang (Undergraduate student, 2017-2018)
Mr. Masashige Morishita (visiting Scholar, exchanging program, Japan, 2017-2018)
Dr Teng Lu (PhD Student, 2014-2018), currently Postdoc at the ANU
Dr Weng Dong (PhD Cadidate, 2013-2017), Currently postdoc at University of Warwick, UK
Dr Qingbo Sun (PhD cadidate, 2014-2017), Currently postdoc at the ANU
Miss Wenjun Wang (undergraduate student, 2016).
Miss Joanna Chu (Honours Student, 2016-2017), 1st class
Ms. Amanda Snashell (PhD candidate), currently working at the ANU
Mr. Yoke Yeong Fung (Honours Student, 2015-2016), 1st class
Mr. Jonathon Lieschke (Honours Student, 2015), 1st class
Mr. Benjamen Wang (PhB student, 2015)
Dr Kenny Lau (PhD candidate, 2011-2016), Watercare Services, NewZealand.
Dr. Jian Wang (2010-2014), Senior Engineer in Fei in Norway
Miss Tyler Olney (Summar Scholar, 2014/2015)
Miss Bethany McBride (Honours Student, 2014),1st class, University Medal.
Dr. Qian (Cheney) Li (2010-2013), now working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Oak Ridge National laboratory, USA (2013-2017), move to the Argonne National Laboratory (2017-)
Mr. Teng Lu (honours Student, 2013), 1st class
Dr. Jason Schiemer (Joint PhD student, 2009-2012, now working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in University of Canbridge, UK).
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
24/01/25 → 24/01/28
Project: Research
1/04/24 → 30/08/27
Project: Research
Dai, L., Liu, Y., Baek, J. B., Banaszak Holl, M., Bedford, N. M., Chua, H., Corrie, S., Jiao, Y., Mao, G., Maschmeyer, T., Ostrikov, K., Qiao, S., Regenauer-Lieb, K., Talapaneni, S. N., Tilley, R., Yeoh, G. & Zheng, Y.
1/03/24 → 28/02/31
Project: Research
Liu, Y., Frankcombe, T., Hansen, B. & Santo Tomas Menocal, D.
28/02/22 → 27/02/26
Project: Research
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Research