Ageing in China and Australia: Promoting health, productivity and wellbeing

  • D'Este, Catherine (PI)
  • Browning, Colette (CoI)
  • Byles, Julie (CoI)
  • Kendig, Hal (CoI)
  • Nazroo, James (CoI)
  • Thomas, Shane A (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project aims to provide deep, comparative insights into the ways in which life span development and social change in China have influenced the development of human capital for health, productivity, and wellbeing of people entering later life. Understanding of social determinants, appreciation of cultural context, and conceptualisation of policy responses will be enhanced by cross national comparisons with Australia as well as examination of historical influences and social variations within China. The significance of the research is underscored by the rapid population ageing in China and the pressures it brings to intergenerational support arising from smaller families, migration, urbanisation, and growing social inequalities.
    Effective start/end date1/07/1631/12/19


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