Australian Dark Matter Detector for High Mass Axions

  • Altin, Paul (PI)
  • Tobar, Michael (PI)
  • Bowen, Warwick (CoI)
  • Brennen, Gavin (CoI)
  • Doherty, Andrew (CoI)
  • Drinkwater, Michael John (CoI)
  • Fedorov, Arkady (CoI)
  • Goryachev, Maxim (CoI)
  • Ivanov, Eugene (CoI)
  • Twamley, J. (CoI)
  • Volz, Thomas (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Dark matter is a fundamental component of the universe yet the nature of its composition is still unknown. There isgrowing evidence that it is comprised of axions; a low energy, weakly interacting particle. This grant will providethe necessary equipment to allow an Australian Dark Matter axion haloscope with significantly increasedsensitivity by providing a milliKelvin environment and a 14 T magnet to drive axion to photon conversions.Operating the readout at the quantum limit and beyond has the potential to improve sensitivity by many orders ofmagnitude, allowing faster scans over likely mass ranges of 0.06-0.2 meV. This experiment will confirm or rule outa elegant extension to the Standard Model and a claimed report of detection.
    Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/18


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