Building Reading Resilience: Developing a Skills-Based Approach to Literary Studies

  • Kennedy, Rosanne (PI)
  • Douglas, Kate (CoI)
  • Poletti, Anna (CoI)
  • Whitlock, Gillian (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project introduces and trials strategies for assisting tertiary students in Literary Studies to develop the skill of “reading resilience”: that is, the ability to read and interpret complex and demanding literary texts. The project focusses on the ALTC funding priority area of “Research and development focussing on issues of emerging and continuing importance”. In phase one, the project team will implement a “Reading Journal” that Literature students will use to map, reflect upon and improve their reading practices and skills. We will measure the efficacy of the Reading Journal as a tool for encouraging resilient reading practices.
    Effective start/end date7/05/103/07/12


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