Chloroplast Pigments as Developmental Signals

  • Pogson, Barry (PI)
  • Beveridge, Christine (CoI)
  • Grimm, Bernhard (CoI)
  • Leyser, Ottoline (CoI)
  • Turnbull, Colin (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project will define roles of chloroplast pigments in cellular signaling, plant growth and development. Effective communication between the chloroplast and the nucleus is essential for maintaining viability and productivity of the cell. Similarly, long-distance signaling is required for coordinated growth and development and we hypothesise that pigments also have importance in this role. Our proposal brings together the multidisciplinary skills and resources of six investigators to define how certain carotenoids and chlorophyll precursors regulate gene expression and to determine the identity of what is most likely a carotenoid derivative with hormonal properties that controls lateral branch growth.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0431/12/06


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