Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment - Cost-Benefit Model Systems to Assist with Priority Setting

  • Butler, James (PI)
  • Colagiuri, S (CoI)
  • Walker, Agnes (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Chronic diseases are the main causes of disability and premature death. Lifestyle patterns established in childhood are major contributors to chronic diseases by mid-life, with such diseases affecting around 80% of elderly Australians. Our multidisciplinary team will model the links between health risk factors and chronic diseases, taking account of comorbidities; establish how these links vary by demographic and socioeconomic factors; build models of expenditures relative to benefits; and obtain rankings for prevention and/or treatment initiatives for selected chronic diseases. The findings will provide evidence-based information to assess and compare the costs and benefits of lifestyle modifying and other interventions.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0531/12/11


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