Closed-loop Insulin delivery by glucose Responsive CompUter algorithms In Type 1 diabetes pregnancies (CIRCUIT)

  • Nolan, Christopher (PI)
  • Simmons, David (PI)
  • Scibilia, Renza (CoI)
  • Cheung, Ngai (CoI)
  • Donovan, Lois (CoI)
  • Feig, Denice (CoI)
  • Marschner, Simone (CoI)
  • Morrison, Melinda (CoI)
  • Pasupathy, Dharmintra (CoI)
  • Tannous, Wadad (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Pending RCO update ARIES data:05/09/2023Many (>50%) newborns of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are harmed by abnormal glucose exposure in the womb. With Canadian researchers, we will randomly assign women to use a new automated insulin delivery approach or standard insulin delivery and test whether blood glucose is improved, birth complications reduced and diabetes self-care demands lessened. Findings could result in more effective and easier ways for women with T1D to have healthier pregnancies and children.
    Effective start/end date1/01/2331/01/26


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