Deep Crustal Section Through a Late Archaean Orogen (Greenland): Archaen Crustal Sutures, Abyssal Peridotites and Gold

  • Nutman, Allen (PI)
  • Friend, Clark (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Did plate tectonics operate in Earth s early times - the Archaean (before 2500 million years ago)? This is important for understanding Australia s rich Archaean gold mineralisation. Using plate tectonics, young mountains like the European Alps formed when once distant continents collided. The project will investigate the origins of a deeply-eroded, superbly-exposed Archaean Greenland mountain belt and its gold mineralisation. This is to establish whether it represents a deep section through an Archaean continent-continent collision formed via ancient plate tectonics and also to provide insight into Australia s important Archaean gold deposits and to produce models to help search for more gold.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0331/12/06


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