Dynamic permeability and the evolution of fluid pathways in fracture-controlled hydrothermal systems

  • Cox, Stephen (PI)
  • Dipple, Greg (CoI)
  • Urai, Janos (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project will provide new insights about processes localising fluid flow within fault- and fold-related fracture networks at depth in the crust. It will explore the dynamics of coupling between deformation processes, fluid transport and reaction, and how these processes influence seismicity, and localization of hydrothermal ore deposits. The study will be underpinned by structural analysis and high spatial precision geochemical analysis of the record of fluid migration provided by spectacularly well-exposed veins systems. These studies will be combined with experimental studies of the kinetics of fluid-rock chemical exchange to map the variations in fluid fluxes and flow rates in large-scale vein systems with time.
    Effective start/end date1/01/1031/12/15


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