Economic Analysis of Policies Affecting Pulses in Pakistan

  • Vanzetti, David (PI)
  • Gao, Yue (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The services provided by ANU under this subcontract are as follows:A.Participation in an inception meeting in Islamabad and collaborate with Pakistani collaborators while there to collect unpublished data.B.Collaborate with project partners to develop a partial equilibrium model of Pakistans pulse sector, where possible showing regional differences in prices, production, consumption and inter-regional trade. Existing estimates on trade flows and policy, demand, and supply parameters can be taken from literature. The model is to be developed within Excel to encourage use by policy-makers in Pakistan after completion of this project.C.Collaborate with project partners to complete reports and papers, D.Review and provide comments on papers drafted by project partners.E.Contribute to the Final Report and, if appropriate, a monograph compiled from papers written within the Project.
    Effective start/end date17/09/1630/06/18


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