Existence and Stability of a Model for Three-Dimensial Toroidal Plasma Equalibria

  • Dewar, Robert (PI)
  • Hudson, Stuart (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    There is great physical interest in modelling strongly non-axisymmetric toroidal plasmas, but fundamental existence problems have made rigorous numerical analysis so far impossible. We seek to overcome this by investigating a class of idealized, but physically motivated, magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with stepped pressure profiles for which existence in the neighbourhood of axisymmetry has been proven. We will (i) develop numerical techniques to extend these piece-wise Beltrami states far away from axisymmetry (ii) develop practical tests to determine when existence breaks down (iii) analyze the frequency spectrum of small oscillations about such equilibria (iv) extend the model to two-fluid MHD.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0431/12/07


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