Fundamental Implantation, Epitaxy and Defect Studies in Silicon to Support Ultra-Shallow Junction Formation

  • Williams, Jim (PI)
  • Gossmann, Hans-Joachim L (CoI)
  • McCallum, Jeffrey C (CoI)
  • Simpson, Peter J (CoI)
  • Wong Leung, Jennifer (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Despite the weight of science and technology that drives the silicon chip industry to increasingly smaller devices, there is a surprising lack of knowledge and understanding of physical processes at the atomic level that underpin ultra-small device fabrication in silicon. This proposal addresses key experimental research challenges that impact on the formation of ultra-shallow electrical junctions by ion implantation. If successful, this project will provide detailed understanding of ion damage formation, amorphisation and recrystallisation, as well as the influence of defects on electrical behaviour and hence allow the development and testing of robust, atomistic processing models that device designers rely on.
    Effective start/end date7/04/0631/12/09


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