Genetic basis of non-immune islet beta-cell susceptibility to failure in a substrain of NODk mice

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The NODk mouse model is protected from type 1 diabetes through being congenic for a low risk MHC alelle. We are studying two sub-strains of the NODk mouse, one prone (O-NODk) and one resistant (RF-NODk) to developing type 2 diabetes on a high fat diet. We aim to determine: 1) The mechanisms of the increased islet β-cell susceptibility to failure in O-NODk compared to RF-NODk mice 2) The genetic basis of of the increased susceptibility to islet β-cell failure in O-NODk compared to RF-NODk mice
    Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/18


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