High Performance Optical and Electronic Coatings Facility

  • Jagadish, Chennupati (PI)
  • Faraone, Lorenzo (CoI)
  • Gal, Michael (CoI)
  • Luther-Davies, Barry (CoI)
  • Phillips, Matthew R (CoI)
  • Senden, Tim (CoI)
  • Stevens-Kalceff, Marion Anne (CoI)
  • Usher, Brian F (CoI)
  • Williams, Jim (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The main aim of this project is to establish a state-of-the-art optical and electronic coatings facility for the Australian optoelectronics and nanotechnology research community to develop novel technologies of interest to communications, information technology and nanotechnology industries. The facility will allow the fabrication of a range of active and passive devices including photonic integrated circuits. The facility is flexible enough to allow the deposition of a range of dielectric and metal layers with different structural, optical and electrical characteristics of fundamental as well as applied interest. This facility may open up new opportunities to develop microcavities, nanocrystals, tunable lasers and detectors, novel cantilevers for atomic force microscopy.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0430/06/06


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