Investigation and development of laser cleaning equipment for the RMS (Sydney Harbour Bridge - ANU Research Services Consultancy)

  • Rode, Andrei (PI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This report is commissioned to evaluate the possibility to remove and clean the corroded lead-based paint from the surface structures of Sydney Harbour Bridge using laser-cleaning technique and to provide an avenue for efficient laser-based restoration of both open surfaces and confined spaces of the Bridge, which can not be accessed by humans and can only be reached by the robotic arms. The goal of this report is to specify the most effective way for laser cleaning of large-are metal surfaces with currently available lasers on the market, which could be adapted to both man-held devices and automated robotic arms. The report indicates suitable laser systems, determines the requirements for laser beam delivery, ways to remove the ablated species and protect the laser optics, and highlights the laser safety precautions.
    Effective start/end date2/01/1731/05/17


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