Judith Anderson 1897 - 1992: Voice and Emotion in the Making of an International Star

  • Deacon, Desley (PI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Australian-born actor Judith Anderson was renowned for her thrilling voice and portrayal of deep emotion and illicit sexuality and power. This biographical project uses her transnational life to explore three important, neglected themes in the history of gender and modernity: the role of the voice in developing a new, global, sensory culture; the development of modern emotional repertoires; and the inter-related roles of theatre and film as carriers of new ideas and practices across borders, creating a global sensory vernacular in which voice as well as vision play an important part. This will help place Australia at the cutting-edge of research on modern auditory culture and make accessible a valuable part of our cultural heritage.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0531/12/08


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