Longitudinal Studies of Indigenous Children Wave 13 Summary Report

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The Wave 13 report will provide an overview of new material covered in Wave 13, collected in 2020, in the context of the LSIC study overall. Examples of previous wave reports can be found on the Agencys website www.dss.gov.au/lsic. Where possible, feature articles should present findings that draw on the longitudinal nature of the study, be relevant to current policy and programs and highlight the strengths of study participants. It is expected that a consideration of all the waves of the study will be given, to nest the Wave 13 findings longitudinally where possible. Consultation with stakeholders, including members of the LSIC Steering Committee, the Agency and the National Indigenous Australians Agency will shape the analyses to be conducted by the Panel Member and the final content of the report. The final Wave 13 Summary Report will be made available to policy makers and data users via the Agencys website for Footprints in Time The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children
    Effective start/end date12/12/2230/06/24


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