New models for the role of chromatin in controlling inducible gene expression

  • Shannon, M Frances (PI)
  • Georgel, Philippe T (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    DNA is packaged in the eukaryotic nucleus into a complex nucleoprotein structure known as chromatin. Precisely controlled changes in this structure across inducible and cell-specific genes are a fundamental control point in gene transcription. We have novel data showing that chromatin is completely unfolded in a precise spatial and temporal manner to allow assembly of transcription complexes and that active DNA demethylation may be a prerequisite for this process. This proposal aims to determine the precise nature of this chromatin unfolding as well as elucidate the novel role of active demethylation. In addition, we will address the role of higher order chromatin structure in a nuclear context.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0531/12/08


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