Partially Observable MDPs, Monte Carlo Methods and Fishery Applications

  • Kurniawati, Hanna (PI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) provide a general mathematical framework forsequential decision making under uncertainty. However, solving POMDPs effectively under realistic assumptionsremains a challenging problem. This project aims to develop new efficient Monte Carlo algorithms to significantlyadvance the application of POMDPs to real-world decision problems involving complex action spaces and systemdynamics. Both theoretical and algorithmic approaches will be applied to sustainable fishery management --- animportant problem for Australia and an ideal context for POMDPs. The project will advance research in artificialintelligence, dynamical systems, and fishery operations, and benefit the national economy.
    Effective start/end date24/03/2123/03/24


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