Porosity in Si, Ge and the Si(x)Ge(1-x) alloys induced by ion irradiation

  • Ridgway, Mark C (PI)
  • Byrne, Aidan (CoI)
  • Nordlund, Kai (CoI)
  • Wesch, Werner (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Porous Si and Ge produced electrochemically have wide-spread applications including photonics, sensors and solar cells. Porous Ge can also be formed using ion irradiation but such is not the case for porous Si where the appropriate fabrication conditions remain unidentified. We now propose a novel study of irradiation induced porosity in Si, Ge and their alloys with the potential to yield a patentable technology. We seek fundamental insight for the strikingly different behaviour of Si and Ge through both simulation and the application of innovative synchrotron-based analysis to enable the 3D reconstruction of the porous structure and quantitative characterisation of pore geometry and morphology as a function of the irradiation conditions.
    Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/14


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