Quantum Mechanics and Planetary Atmospheres

  • Lewis, Brenton (PI)
  • Ubachs, Wim (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    It is aimed to solve a long-standing problem in molecular physics by establishing and quantifying the dissociation mechanisms for nitrogen in the extreme ultraviolet. This will be achieved through a leading international collaboration in which the results from laser- and synchrotron-based experiments are compared with state-of-the-art coupled-channel calculations. The principal outcome will be a novel quantum-mechanical model of nitrogen structure and dissociation dynamics which will be timely and essential for the proper analysis of NASA-mission obsrvations of nitrogen-rich planetary atmospheres, e.g., Triton (Voyager), Titan (Cassini, arriving 2004), and Pluto (New Horizons).
    Effective start/end date1/01/0531/12/08


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