Refining the ObjectiveFIELD Analyser with particular reference to diabetes and neuro-ophthalmic diseases

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The objective is to continue the work under the Biotechnology Bridge (BTB) grant (BTBR100196), which was co-funded funded by MTPConnect (50%), Konan (25%) and the ANU OHIOH project (25%). This extension project is funded by Konan (61%) and OHIOH (38.9%). The project will be more emphasis on diabetes and multiple sclerosis, but work on the other diseases of the BTB grant: macular degeneration, concussion, glaucoma and Alzheimers will continue. There is a similar emphasis on developing analytical methods, software and assisting with the overall development of the ObjectiveFIELD Analyser. All the projects will run in parallel for the whole duration of the project.
    Effective start/end date1/07/2230/11/25


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