Revealing the impacts of super-charged photosynthesis on leaf respiration

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    To predict the impacts of climate change on productivity of crops and native vegetation in northern Australia, we need to be able to model plant-atmosphere carbon exchange by two metabolic processes in leaves: daytime photosynthesis and nocturnal respiratory carbon release. However, in contrast to photosynthesis, our ability to model nocturnal leaf respiration is limited, particularly in northern Australian crops (e.g. sugarcane, sorghum) and native grasses that use a supercharged form of photosynthesis. The proposed research will use state-of-the-art technologies to understand how this supercharged type of photosynthesis alters carbon release by leaf respiration, both in current and future climate regimes. In doing so, the research will help accelerate development of new crops that are more tolerant of dry, hot conditions, with associated socio-economic and environmental benefits for cropping communities. The research will also provide the tools modellers need to
    Effective start/end date12/05/2311/05/26


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