Safety for Autonomous Systems in Uncertain Environments

  • Bogomolov, Sergiy (PI)
  • Reid, Darryn (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) consist of interacting computational and physical components. As CPS are becoming continuously larger in size, more complex in functionality, and more safety-critical in their applications, it is vital to guarantee their safety and correctness. Autonomous systems, i.e., devices which can act without human intervention present a central part of cyber-physical systems. These include, e. g., autonomous cars, trains, factories and aerial vehicles. The autonomy usually relies on some kind of planning techniques. The changes in the environment might invalidate a precomputed plan during its execution, e. g., due to safety constraints violation. This might make re-planning necessary. Therefore, we end up with two interconnected problems: * How can we compute a plan to steer an autonomous system towards a goal? * How can we ensure that no safety constraints are violated during the system operation?
    Effective start/end date27/03/1731/08/18


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