Seeing Change: Science, Culture and Technology in the Antipodes from the age of Darwin - a multi-media research collaboration

  • McCalman, Iain (PI)
  • Chappell, John (CoI)
  • Coleman, Deirdre (CoI)
  • Erskine, Nigel (CoI)
  • Hyland, Paul (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    To build a cross-disciplinary, multi-institutional research collaboration using digital, visual and print technologies to demonstrate the under-recognized role of Australia and the Antipodes in shaping key evolutionary ideas within the spheres of environmental science, culture and technology during the nineteenth century, and the relevance of these ideas to present-day environmental and technological challenges within our region and globe.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0831/12/11


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