Selective secretion: a novel mechanism of protein trafficking and its role in Phytophthora pathogenicity

  • Hardham, Adrienne (PI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The establishment of plant disease by Phytophthora pathogens involves the regulated secretion of adhesives, protectants and other proteins from infective spores at the host surface. This research will characterise a novel mode of protein trafficking that allows secretion of only specific components from a secretory vesicle. This selective secretion process was recently discovered in Phytophthora spores but its likely widespread occurrence will add a new dimension to our understanding of eukaryotic protein trafficking and secretion. The research will elucidate the function of selectively secreted proteins and expand the knowledge-base upon which novel Phytophthora control measures can be designed.
    Effective start/end date1/05/0831/12/10


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