Shaping International Law in Global Transformations:Australian Experiences.

  • Chiam, Madelaine (PI)
  • Farrall, Jeremy (PI)
  • Michaelsen, Christopher (CoI)
  • Silverstein, Jordana (CoI)

Project: Research

Project Details


This project aims to examinehow Australia influences the development ofinternational law in times of global transformation.The project proposes to develop a new analyticalframework to understand how and why Australia hassucceeded (or failed) in shaping the development ofinternational law in four key periods of globaltransformation. Expected outcomes include empiricalstudies evaluating how, why, and to what extentAustralians managed to shape international lawduring these periods. These outcomes shouldprovide benefits in the form of evidence-basedproposals to enhance Australia's capacity toinfluence the development of international law intimes of global transformation.
Effective start/end date31/01/2311/09/27


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