Shedding Light on the Proton Radius Puzzle with Ultracold Helium

Project: Research

Project Details


This project tackles a big question in the field of fundamental atomic physics: why is there a discrepancy in measurements of the size of the proton a fundamental building block of matter? The answer to this question may signal new physics beyond the current theory known as the Standard Model of the universe. If this project is able to answer this question, it will place Australian research at the leading edge of modern physics. This project aims to address this question by harnessing a unique Australian facility that creates ultracold helium atoms and drawing on our international theory collaboration to make complementary nuclear size measurements in helium. As well as maintaining our world-leading expertise in this field, the answer to these types of fundamental questions will drive long-term technological advancement in Australia, benefiting the countrys economy. All technical
Effective start/end date18/03/2418/03/27


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