Space for Australia on the periodic table: creating new superheavy elements

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The project aims to understand the physics of synthesis of superheavy elements, and working with the international nSHE team, contribute to the next new element discovery. Using our world-leading Australian Heavy-Ion Accelerator and nuclear detector system, we aim to determine their fission decay modes, informing models of nuclear fission, used in nuclear reactor design. Expected outcomes include new international research links, and growing Australia's research and teaching capabilities in nuclear science, focusing on nuclear fission, fusion and cutting-edge radiation detectors. By growing Australia's top-level teaching and training capability in nuclear radiation and fission, benefits to Australia are anticipated in (i) the new long-term defence focus on nuclear powered submarines; (ii) development and applications of space radiation testing capabilities and (iii) new accelerator-based hadron cancer therapy capabilities being developed in Australia.
    Effective start/end date1/07/2329/06/26


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