Spray-on Hydrogenated Films for Solar Cells

  • Cuevas, Andres (PI)
  • Karkkainen, Ari (CoI)
  • McCann, Michelle (CoI)
  • Wan, Yimao (CoI)
  • Weber, Klaus (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project seeks to develop spray-on hydrogenated films for silicon solar cells. At present, the hydrogen in solar cells is derived from amorphous silicon nitride, deposited by an expensive technique requiring plasma, vacuum, and batch processing. This project investigates an inexpensive alternative to silicon nitride: spray-on hydrogenated and anti-reflection films patented by BraggOne (Finland). The project aims to improve the understanding of hydrogen in silicon, to characterise and optimise the films for solar cells, and to test the films on the production line of Spark Solar (Australia). If successful, the films will help reduce the cost of solar electricity.
    Effective start/end date1/01/1031/12/15


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