Stable Isotopes in Marsupials: Reconstruction of Environmental Change in Australia

  • Grun, Rainer (PI)
  • Bowman, David D (CoI)
  • Gagan, Michael (CoI)
  • Wells, Roderick (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project will establish the application of stable isotope analysis of marsupial bones for the reconstruction of past environments, a key area to advance Australian prehistory. On a continental scale, it will establish the relationship between stable isotopes (C, O, N) in bones and environmental factors (e.g., plant distribution, humidity, temperature on a local scale, the relationship between stable isotopes and aboriginal land management. The project will provide a late Quaternary environmental reconstruction along a transect from the coastal regions in South Australia into the Lake Eyre Basin and explore the methodological limitations at sites with long fossil records.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0331/12/06


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