Sustaining and strengthening merit-based access at NCI

  • Smith, Sean (PI)
  • Bernhardt, Debra (CoI)
  • England, Matthew (CoI)
  • Hawkes, Evatt (CoI)
  • Hofmann, Oliver (CoI)
  • Leinweber, Derek (CoI)
  • Mark, Alan (CoI)
  • Moresi, Louis Noel (CoI)
  • Muller, Dietmar (CoI)
  • Pas, Ekaterina (CoI)
  • Russo, Salvy P (CoI)
  • Soria, Julio (CoI)
  • Thornber, Ben (CoI)
  • Yarovsky, Irene (CoI)
  • Zanotti, James (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Australias National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) provides researchers in universities, science agencies andindustry with world-class, integrated high-performance computing/data services that enable high-impact researchin every field of science and technology. Today, NCI supports 191 programs funded by the ARC at $43M p.a.(centres of excellence, projects, fellowships), generating more than 740 publications p.a. This grant will ensureallocation of 30% of the capability of NCIs 2019 supercomputer - 10x the performance of the current system - tomerit-based access, thereby sustaining international research competitiveness and securing the ARCsinvestments in research that depends on leading-edge computing and data capabilities.
    Effective start/end date10/09/199/09/22


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