Sydney Water - I2S Next Gen Partner

Project: Research

Project Details


This Project Agreement sits under the Next Gen Engagement Program. The CI, along with the support of Simon Stack and Kirsty OConnell (an external consultant) developed the NextGen Engagement Program and secured in-principle letters of support from a number of parties from 2018. RCO and Legal then became involved to help design and then draft the legal mechanism for securing the funding. The Program Agreement secured the financial support of 3 Institute Parties for the Institute itself. The Institute Parties were to participate in separate projects which were to be governed by separate agreements. It was anticipated that parties not signatory to the Program Agreement may also wish to participate in individual projects by virtue of the Research Project Agreements. Sydney Water Corporation is such an additional party not signatory to the Program Agreement who has elected to become involved in the CIs research by virtue of a Project Agreement.
Effective start/end date1/01/2330/06/26


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