The Australian Dictionary of Biography Online: A Database of National Biography Facilitating Research into Australia's History

  • Griffiths, Thomas (PI)
  • Buckridge, Patrick James (CoI)
  • Carment, David Sulman (CoI)
  • Davison, Graeme John (CoI)
  • Garton, Stephen R (CoI)
  • Horner, David (CoI)
  • Jalland, Patricia (CoI)
  • Macintyre, Stuart Forbes (CoI)
  • Mackinnon, Alison Gay (CoI)
  • McCalman, Janet Susan (CoI)
  • Roe, Jillian Isobel (CoI)
  • Stannage, Charles Thomas (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The project will publish the sixteen existing and all future volumes of the Australian Dictionary of Biography as a freely available relational database on the Internet. The A.D.B. is a fundamental research tool and teaching resource for Australian history, and a valuable source of knowledge about ten thousand past Australians. An innovative web-publication model will maximise the availability and searchability of the A.D.B., enabling researchers to pose new questions that will yield novel insights into Australian history. Interoperability with other on-line resources will result in a powerful addition to the country's information infrastructure, one capable of supporting high-quality research projects.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0431/12/04


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