The battle of the sexes heats up: Climate change and the ecological and evolutionary fate of reptiles when sex is determined by temperature

  • Schwanz, Lisa (PI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    For organisms with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), climate change is predicted to lead to biased sex ratios and a resultant increase in demographic stochasticity and extinction risk. The proposed research will develop a native Australian lizard into a model for determining the ecological and evolutionary outcomes of climate change for animals with TSD. The direct effect of climate on sex ratios will be measured, and the potential for behavioural (plastic) and evolutionary responses will be examined empirically and theoretically. The research will address a question of global significance, inform management of native Australian taxa, and strengthen Australia's position at the frontier of this expanding research area.
    Effective start/end date1/05/1231/07/13


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