The Ethics of Net Zero

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Adopting a net zero emissions target has become a marker of good climate citizenship. However, there is great unclarity about what the content of net zero targets should be, and what should count as achieving them. This project aims to provide the first full and systematic treatment of the ethical questions raised by the adoption, promotion, and coordination of net zero targets. The research project will develop principles for responsible emissions accounting and offsetting: its translation pathway for the dissemination of these principles will be a sustained program of engagement with key stakeholders in the corporate, government, and NGO sectors. Stakeholders across these sectors now operate under conditions of significant public pressure for responsible climate action. Expected benefits of the project include the provision of needed best practice guidance and advice to end-users formulating net zero policies across all major sectors of Australian society.
    Effective start/end date10/10/238/10/26


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