The origins of electroreception and nocturnality in the earliest known jawed vertebrates and their bearing on vertebrate diversification

  • Long, John (PI)
  • Young, Gavin (PI)
  • Johanson, Zerina (CoI)
  • Schmitz, Lars (CoI)
  • Trinajstic, Katherine Mary (CoI)
  • Zhu, Min (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    We will discover when and where two key abilities first evolved in early vertebrates, electroreception and nocturnality, through study of exceptional 3-D fossils and comparisons with living vertebrates to determine osteological signals indicating physiological abilities. We will determine how these effected the shaping of modern fish biodiversity
    Effective start/end date1/07/1431/01/16


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