The seismic signature of crustal fluids

  • Jackson, Ian (PI)
  • Schmitt, Douglas (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Fluid saturation of the cracked rocks of the Earth s upper crust is a major determinant of its mechanical behaviour and chemical evolution. Fluids play a vital role in the earthquake cycle, the formation of ore deposits, the extraction of oil and gas, natural and hot-dry-rock geothermal systems, and waste disposal. Fluids are predicted to exert a diagnostic, strongly frequency-dependent influence on seismic wave speeds and attenuation in cracked crystalline rocks - but this remains largely untested experimentally. We seek to rectify that situation by developing and testing new capability for laboratory measurements on fluid-saturated rocks at seismic frequencies.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0831/12/11


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