The use of molecular sponges to inhibit small RNA activity in plants

  • Millar, Anthony (PI)
  • Helliwell, Christopher Andrew (CoI)
  • Waterhouse, Peter (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Mediators of gene silencing pathways, small RNA (sRNA) populations have now been extensively characterised and implicated in numerous fundamental processes. However, tools to determine specific sRNA functions are largely lacking. We have shown that long non-coding transcripts that contain multiple sRNA binding sites with central mis-matches can inhibit the activity of those sRNAs with an efficacy far greater than the current state-of-the-art technology in plants. Here we aim to explore the utility and scope of this methodology, with the outcome of developing functional and biotechnological tools for understanding and manipulating sRNA pathways in plants.
    Effective start/end date1/04/1331/12/17


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