Ultrafast Optical Nonlinearities in Robust Organometallic Materials

  • Humphrey, Mark (PI)
  • Clays, Koen Jan (CoI)
  • Halet, J-F (CoI)
  • Samoc, Marek (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This Project aims to afford new organometallic complexes with record ultrafast nonlinear optical responses. These robust molecules are intended to be employed as key components in the preparation of surface-supported nanostructures with potential practical applications. An anticipated goal of this Project is materials with reversibly switchable nonlinear optical properties that have the potential to be used to control or process incident light beams in future photonics technologies. This synthetic/experimental/theoretical Project aims to afford highly-qualified PhD graduates possessing unique skill sets and multidisciplinary and international perspectives, of benefit to Australia's future.
    Effective start/end date1/01/1730/06/22


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