Understanding nanostructure in lead-containing piezoceramics - the key to improved and environmentally-friendly materials

  • Welberry, Richard (PI)
  • Goossens, Darren (CoI)
  • Kearley, Gordon (CoI)
  • Ling, Chris David (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Lead-based piezoelectric ceramics are at present irreplaceable in many technological applications because of their exceptional properties. How these properties arise from the basic atomic-scale chemical interactions is a question of fundamental importance. We will use our world-leading X-ray and neutron diffuse scattering and computer-modelling methods to probe the local structure and dynamics of important piezoelectrics in a level of detail not previously achievable. This will provide information that has long been needed to make the crucial link between chemical make-up and physical properties. The understanding gained will allow better optimisation of existing materials and aid the search for more environmentally-friendly alternatives.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0931/12/12


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