Using nanostructured scaffolds to understand and engineer neuronal circuits

  • Gautam, Vini (PI)
  • Gautam, Vini (PI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project aims to understand the formation of neuronal circuits in the brain. While the role of biochemical features in the brain is well understood, it is not clear how the biophysical properties of the brain affect circuit formation. In this project, neuronal circuit formation and function will be studied on nanostructured scaffolds, designed specifically to mimic the biophysical properties of the brain. The outcomes will improve our understanding of neuronal circuit formation as well as provide design rules for creating scaffolds to repair neuronal circuits after brain damage. This project will integrate Australias strengths in nanotechnology and neurosciences, bringing Australian research at the forefront of neural engineering.
    Effective start/end date5/02/1815/01/20


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