What predicts progression of multiple sclerosis?

  • Lucas, Robyn (PI)
  • Taylor, Bruce (PI)
  • Blizzard, A/Pr Christopher (CoI)
  • Broadley, Simon (CoI)
  • Van Der Mei, Ingrid (CoI)
  • Williams, David, Associate Professor (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The Ausimmune study recruited 282 cases of first episodes of clinical central nervous system inflammation in 4 Australian centres over 2003-2006 and followed these cases out to at least 2 years. The just completed AusLong study then followed the same group out to 5 years. The proposed study would follow this cohort out till 10 years post FCD, measuring multiple environmental and genetic factors that may contribute to the rate of MS progression. Including factors that we have established as important in onset of CNS inflammation. We will assess the role of these factors in affecting the rate of clinical and MRI progression in a well powered study. We have an established highly motivated research team that has just finished the AusLong study and will ensure study continuity and allow us to complete this internationally unique study in a timely manner.
    Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/17


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